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Friday, 8 March 2013

Hey Emma.
Hey everyone.

OK basically today I'm DEMANDING you to go on MovieStarPlanet after you read this; click on YouTube; type in Team Bethy and watch it, love it, share it, add it to your playlist.



Wednesday, 6 March 2013

I just made a background image for Emma :D

If anyone wants, I make banners too.
Better than this ;)
I didn't have Emma's ideas so I had no idea what to do ;o
So if you want a banner made for you....

I can easily make one for you with my ideas and yours toooooo! c;
....If I can be bothered....

~I'm gone.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

                                           LOL I saw this on Piney and Diamonds blog LOL OMG.

Hey Emma.

Bye Emma

Monday, 4 March 2013

Today we are going back in time.

I'm really annoyed I have to start this post again ^o^
Hey Emma.
I know you're hiding :)

Now first ever look on Moviestarplanet.
Last time I done one of these I was in the middle of one of my... stages.


First ever look.

Moving on...

Second look of my time >.>
I had another account before MissBritYh
One was: CarterXD and the other: LoveHampsters123 and I got hacked on that one and they turned me evil. Meanies ^.^

This is me when I got new lips and had some sense :D

I got a thing for my head.
Slowly improving my fashion sense I decided to go all pink.

Then I got new eyes.
To be honest, I didn't make outfits. I chose something, made it pink and bought it.
Classic trend.

This was my first ever 'One Month VIP!'
Ahh that was amazing ^o^
I turned white and pink:') Slowly improving.

Very slowly...

Then I went to some new lips. (second VIP for a month!)
I chose black and white.
This is too popular (black and white)
I hate this look.

Keeping my facial expressions... I moved onto new colors.
Lol this is so formal :3

More colors.... I started to make outfits here. Not just making something a certain color.
I started to look at how other people dressed.

Then new eyes and lips.
I hate the color of these eyes. I also had a new nose. Freckle one.

Still had my eyes. Went onto blue. This was a huge hit actually tons of people bought this. It got around. A girl called LilyBoo01 or something bought it and made a smurf club -.-

Gee, thanks.

This was recently. Maybe a few weeks ago or so.
I finally changed my eyes. FEW.
But these aren't nice either. *Sigh*
After having those same lips forEVER I went with simple ones.

REALLY recently.
I changed my eyes.
Changed my lips.
Went with the copy cat popular look c:

This is the only VIP look I like and i love these eyes :)
Not that I don't like having NonVIP stuff I don't care(;

This is me being my own self= weird :)
No because I love Piney that's why.
He left he's a poo.
Hey Emma.

On my 'status' oo American. It says I'll make a vid for Beth(': which means. OK this is a long storyyy... *clears throat* I'm so much like you Nessa; you taught me well:)

Nessa's not even here ^o^
She comes on sometimes but hardly any...
nevermind lets get back to Beth.

Well most of you guys know TaylaIsFit right? Lol what am I saying it's only Emma here. Hey Emma. So anyway, TaylaIsFit made a video for jabbaflop because he died of Cancer)':

So I got an idea when I heard my friend, Beth, gave up Chemo therapy. (She has Cancer.) Now my friend, Sam, (bObBiEbObZ) Add her- well she said to Beth why don't you made a list of things you want to do before you um.. pass on. On MSP. And so Beths idea is:

BEING FAMOUS. She said she wants to be remembered. Emma told me this btw. (LittleMissSarcastic) add now and give her autographs. OMG Hey Emma!
 Don't comment on this to be mean. I know Beth has Cancer.
I know it.

I can feel it in my... vains?
She isn't faking and she isn't one of those disgusting people that go: oooo I have Cancer give me autographs and I'm like stfu.
She said she doesn't mind if she doesn't get to level 3. It's not something she will get upset about. But she said she atleast wants to have some friends.

Beths username is Carnolia please add her and be nice to her.
She isn't faking.

 Emma comment to say she isn't cos' you know alot about her.

Bye Emma<'3
Bye people<'3

If you can be bothered: give her autographs. Make her known.
She doesn't have much time left?
he told me herself.

Love Oona :) x

Saturday, 2 March 2013


Hello all. Hello Nessa if you're reading this. You missed me and Diamonds wedding you poo. Nah joking I love you.

This time we went long with it without you. (Hello other people - A.K.A Emma) I love you Emma you are amazin'. OK anywaysssss, I didn't forget about anyone who wasn't there so I took some beaut pics. Yay. OK here we go... you watching Nessa? This is exciting :')

This is after we got Married we were just chillin' in my house. There's a fat boonie below me and it reminds me of Rolanda for some weird reason.

Movin' like Richard B)

anyway, well I've finished there is no anyway.
Wait, there is. I colored in these dresses and well yeah that's it. Hey Nessa, you still reading?
Wait you might not even be here nobody is except Emma, hey Emma B)

I don't like the design studio, in fact, I haven't even seen it because it won't fudging load -.-

Next piccy: (I have like six hehe photographer much?)

Click to enlarge.
Don't judge me I have no idea who any of these people are except Piney and Diamond. We are such loners I wish I waited for Ellieglitter but I couldn't be arsed to do it tomorrow I wanted to be married to Diamond asap.

Hehe asap how teenager-ry.

Piney was a great priest well done Piney. I love you. Well I have some pics of her priest-ing. She was like "do you take Oona and blah blah to be yeah and do you?"

Ah Piney. Your ways (:

"Diamond do you what I said before." ^Hey there's a gay Rolanda smiling gayly (y)
I am posting these pics from end to beginning so it's a bit mixed up ;)

I mean gay as in happy but ya know it's a bit gay if you guys understand what I mean how I say it K bye. No wait I'm not actually going I have some more pics:*

Diamond had to go we were hurrying. (Rushing). Lol:3

Lol Piney you weirdo. What a great priest :P

I look really angry here because I'm talking and so is Diamond but I like the way Piney is just like it's cajj.

I have way more than six pics :O 

Yeah this is the last one.


Hehe amazing we are very beautiful.
OK I'm tired it's like quarter to nine and I had a sleepover with Milly last night. (':