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Saturday, 17 May 2014

heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy bbys.

so basically flash player cant be updated and that is the reason why i cannot go on MSP. PROBLEM SOLVED IVE BEEN WAITING LIKE TWO FUDGING YEARS FOR THE ANSWER.

So I'm getting a Chromebook in about two/three weeks time because my Mum is fed up of our computer too. A Chromebook is a windows computer and it works like a MacBook Pro. (Looks like one too)

You have Google Chrome and all those other things.

I can't wait to get one and mingle with my buddies again on MSP! Even though I have none except: Kerry, Milly, Codii, Nash and Piney.

I've cut off Diamond from my friends list since she deleted me as a girlfriend. If she left MSP I would still keep her. Proof that I will? I did the same to Nessa. We're still best friends and have been for what? Three years?

So don't worry people, I'll be on MSP soon, searching for a whole sack of new friends because I have; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. And Emma of course, even though I'm not too sure whether she still goes on? And if she still goes on my blog too. If she does. (Hi Emma, miss you so much, we should meet soon.)

So I'm really excited to get the Chromebook! I'm going to be quite active now on my blog and will hopefully be posting daily, and soon I will be active on MSP too!

I'm really happy to be able to talk to my old friends again! Especially Piney as we haven't spoken in ages! Hi if you're reading this Piney!

I love all the people that are bothering to read. And I'll see you all soon! (By the way any times I log on I'm either at my friends house or in IT at school.)
